Hello readers
I am Penny mum of two. Both babies born at Lewisham hospital in 2007 and 2009. As a result of my first birth experience I wanted to provide feedback on the maternity services so got in touch with Lewisham's Maternity Services Liaison Committee and have been a service user rep for around a year. Recently the chair stood down and as I have just embarked on a second round of maternity leave I put myself forward to take the reins.
The committee has a really large brief and lots it wants to achieve with limited people and time resources available. We are made up of service users (women who have had recent experience of Lewisham's Maternity services) and representatives of all the services involved in providing maternity services in the borough. One of the things we have been endeavouring to do is create a website for the MSLC but so far have not managed to get it together... So I had a brain wave... I could start a blog about my work involved as chair of the committee and slowly build up some knowledge and information about the committee's work ... Other committee members can add to the content and women in Lewisham can make contact with the committee via this blog feeding in their views. Hopefully it will be informative and the start of a discussion with women and possible men in Lewisham about maternity services with those providing those services... and maybe an amusing look at bureaucracy in action!
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