Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Hot on the heels of cake and closure

How can I follow from a nipple cake and the announcement that maternity services in Lewisham might close?!

For now let's hand over to someone else: you.

Sign your name against the proposal to close Lewisham A&E and maternity services.

More exciting news is that Lewisham MSLC has a web page on the hospital website. You can take a peek here.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Impact of pfi gone wrong in SE London

The impact of the failed Private Finance Iniatives at Queen Elizabeth and Princess Royal leading to unstainable debt across South London Health Care Trust will bring pressure on services provided at Lewisham Hospital.

The draft report is published today by the Office of the Trust Special Administrator. Read the summary recommendations or full report.

Just two of the recommendations that maybe of interest to YOU:

Emergency care – Emergency care for the most critically unwell patients should
be provided from four sites - King’s College Hospital, St Thomas’ Hospital,
Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Princess Royal University Hospital. Alongside
this, services at University Hospital Lewisham, Guy’s Hospital and Queen Mary’s
Hospital Sidcup will provide urgent care for those that do not need to be admitted
to hospital. Emergency care for those patients suffering from a major trauma
(provided at King’s College Hospital), stroke (provided at King’s College Hospital
and Princess Royal University Hospital), heart attack (provided at St Thomas’
Hospital and King’s College Hospital) and vascular problems (provided at St
Thomas’ Hospital) will not change from the current arrangements.

Maternity care – There are two options under consideration to ensure that a high
quality of care is provided for women needing to be in hospital during pregnancy
and for women when giving birth. Obstetric-led deliveries could be centralised in
line with critical emergency care across King’s College Hospital, St Thomas’s
Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Princess Royal University Hospital;
alternatively, there could also be a ‘stand-alone’ obstetric-led delivery unit at
University Hospital Lewisham. All other maternity care will continue to be
provided in a range of locations across south east London.

There will be a public meeting held at Lewisham hospital on Thursday 8 November.

The public consultation runs from 2 November - 14 December tell them what you think here

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Farewell, and Thank you

So after nearly two years chairing the MSLC, I have stood down from the role and on the 18 October Jessica was elected as the new chair. So this post is really a little refresher over what we have achieved in the last two years and opportunity to thank all of those involved in the MSLC and in making huge improvements to maternity services in Lewisham during that time.

So what do I think the major achievements have been during my time steering our Committee?
  1. The opening and huge success of the Midwife led birth centre
  2. The introduction of robust process for monthly Walking the Patch visits
  3. Midwife attendance and promotion of ante natal careat two Lewisham People's Day 2010 and 2011
  4. A programme of outreach sessions with seldom heard groups to help build up the picture of what matters to users of maternity services. Sessions have included, young parents, refugee women, and dads as a few examples and a plan for more
  5. Supporting the Trust to achieve the first stage of unicef baby friendly status
  6. Promoting breastfeeding welcome in Lewisham
  7. Informing and supporting Lewisham Healthcare Trust with their refurbishment and improvements to Labour Ward and Post natal ward to be completed in 2013
Our priorities for this year on top of our core business have focused on working with the Trust on:

  • Normalising birth
  • Supporting women with mental health needs
  • Infant feeding

Hope you like the boobies cake to celebrate the launch of baby cafe local in Lewisham.
We certainly enjoyed them... yummy!

I have had the great privilege of working with truly dedicated maternity professionals and a just as dedicated group of service user representatives committed to improving the information and services available along with ensuring engagement of women in informing how services are shaped in the future.

So thank you team...

So what are my hopes for the future, I am wishing Jessica the best of luck in her knew role but know she doesn't really need it.... I am hoping that with the changes in commissioning of health services the MSLC has a key role to play in supporting the commissioners to target resources with the needs of Lewisham families, that the MSLC continues the outreach work and possibly looks to hold some themed events on 'home birth' or 'post natal' care for example as larger parent forum events in partnership with the Trust. That the MSLC revisits some of its key themes like; normalising birth and mental health in 2013 to check in on progress with Lewisham Healthcare Trust.

Thank you for reading!