Monday, 13 June 2011

Late again! Post for 26 April 2011 meeting

I am just scraping by the seat of my pants with life! So just quickly members of my Weight Watchers groups on a Monday night have lost over 8 stone between them in the last four weeks! Yikes, so very pleased with how that is all going but it is eating in to my time some what... have also been making space in my house by de-cluttering the baby stuff, so its final. I wont be a user of Lewisham's maternity services again!

So what of business I hear you cry! Well the last meeting in April got to grips with the following:
an over view of all the planned and current changes in the health services structures, the PCT is setting up a Business Support Unit to help GP's and the public health staff at the PCT will transfer over to the local authority in the summer (oh it is summer! in the next month or so). The 6 PCT's in SE London have formed a single management board called NHS SE London to support the transition until 2013 at the latest. The GP's consoritia will be concerned with commissioning all services including maternity. They will need to continue to follow national guidance.

We are hoping as a result of these new arrangements that a GP from the consortia will attend teh MSLC in future.

Service User Feedback

Gaela May and Caroline Leek continue to do regular walking the patch visits to Mat Ward 5, Women's experience in general is improving, but still concerns raised about support and kindness of staff working at night. Breastfeeding support also patchy if Jill or Felicia are not available.

Caroline - also attending Labour Ward forum and finds that a constructive way to feedback to a range of professionals involved in maternity services inside the hospital. There are concerns though with the willingness of senior staff on mat 5 to the walking the patch visits. Pauline Esson has agreed to take this up with relevant staff.

Pauline Esson also reported that 2 matrons are being appointed to provide hands on visible support on the labour ward and Mat 5.

Also agreed at meeting that breast feeding peer supporters should be invited into mat 5 on a regular basis to provide additional support to mums on breastfeeding. Pauline Esson will action this.

Exciting news . Stop Press. The MSLC has produced a leaflet setting out who we are and what we do and don't do.. mainly as something for the walking the patch people to give to families they speak with but also useful for anyone wanting to know what we do and don't do and how to get involved. I will post text here when finalised.